
Learn Powderfinger Quotes at QuotesU.com

Powderfinger Quotes

We didn't actually know what we wanted to do at first. We just felt that we wanted to write a rock album. We didn't know what type of rock we were going to do. It just turned into stuff that makes you want to jump around and feel good about yourself. We weren't trying to do that. It just turned into that.'

It was more of a joke, that. I remember when we were doing that it started with just one guitar and then this heavier guitar comes in and it is massive. We thought "man, that is rock, that is double rock" but only in our opinion. According to some people it might not be rock because it might not have enough angst in it. It was like the first real rock song we wrote for this album.

You want to keep yourself interested as well. It could have been easy to write a few more songs like that, like 'The Metre'. It is not that hard because it is something we have gotten used to over the last four years. We just didn't want to do that for our own interest in the band and music.

We are about writing good music. It is a good ego boost of course but if we can keep writing good songs then that will make us feel even better.

Category: Music Quotes
Occupation: Musician(s)

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